Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th July cookout in Lucca

Although I don't consider the 4th of July a holiday that I can truly "feel" per say, I am married to an American and live in the US and have so many American friends that it naturally becomes a get-together around food and have a good time kind of day. This was a day I felt a twinge all day from getting up to signing off at night after talking to Clay because it can be hard being on the road sometimes, away from your loved ones. Not in a complaining way,because I certainly am not alone in this, the other girls on the team also go through this,
just in an acknowledging way.

We busied ourselves for a cookout here after riding, did groceries, did some food
preparations and also packed our bags for leaving tomorrow. Chris Franges and Eric Jellum went and scored some fireworks somehow in the town. It was impressive. First of all, the kind Chris scored would have been outright illegal to pop off in the US, so it was so cool to witness such big ones so close. The police didn't come, so all was well!


Jackie said...

Good Luck at the Giro! 4th of July was at Brady's, but half of the crew was in Athens for the Fireworks display. I'm ready for our spin so hollar when you get back from kicking some Euro Ass!

meshy said...

Hi girls,

Enjoy the Giro. Good luck, pedal hard. Will be thinking of you all and following closely.
Go the pursuiter...3km, it was made for you!!
If in doubt, smile and say ciao.